4 Years and Counting
This blog is dedicated to the memory of our granddaughter, Evelyn Celeste Miller. Evey went missing July 1st and her body was recovered July 6th from the Cedar River near Floyd, Iowa. This venue will help celebrate the wonder that she was and also post up-to-date information on the wait for justice. If you have any information about the crime please contact the Floyd County Sheriff's Office at 1-641-228-1821 or e-mail me directly.
When a person has been convicted of willfully committing premeditated murder, he or she has, by that fact, acknowledged that they are no longer human in moral value or character. That person has committed the vilest known evil against our common humanity and deserves the maximum solution that we as a society can give, the removal of that person’s biological life.
Danny Slick has been arrested on a Federal indictment that he willfully and knowingly lied to FBI agents. This is a great step forward in the investigation of Evelyn's death.
Read the latest story from the Des Moines Register relating to the current investigation. Click here to read article
Note, This is a post in progress
Gene Meyer is retiring as head of the Iowa DCI. In a copyright article in the Des Moines Register, Mr. Meyer made these comments.
We wish Gene the best in his new career and thank him and the DCI for their continuing diligent efforts in helping to solve Evey's case. They are always in our prayers for justice."There are always certain cases you're involved in where you feel rather certain you know who's responsible but you just didn't have enough evidence to charge somebody."
One of those is the abduction and murder of Evelyn Miller, a 5-year-old Charles City girl found dead last summer.
"I'm nowhere near to the point of saying we're not going to solve that case," Meyer said. "But whether or not it's resolved before I retire, I don't know."
Click here for the full Register article
The following is from KIMT in Mason City. If you have any additional information, please let us know - Richard
Click on this link for video interview WHO-TVthen select the Evelyn Miller’s Grandparents Speak link. This link will expire soon.
Grandma at the Memorial
Click here and send the word "subscribe" and your name, city and state in the subject line and we will notify you of any important changes involving Evey's case. You will also from time to time receive pictures from Evey's photo album. This is free and you can cancel anytime by sending the message "unsubscribe" to the same address.
By Jennifer Meyer, Staff Writer Charles City Press
Five months have indeed passed since the disappearance and death of our granddaughter, Evelyn Miller.
This is our first Thanksgiving without Evelyn. She always enjoyed Thanksgiving and being with her relatives. We miss her dearly.
A Charles City man who helped parent 5-year-old Evelyn Miller, whose July slaying remains unsolved, was indicted Thursday on additional child pornography charges for allegedly receiving and possessing computer images of children engaging in sexual conduct.
Evelyn Miller's family resumes grand jury testimony today
Charles City Press 11/14/05
By Jennifer Meyer Staff writer
The federal government expects to file more charges against Casey Frederiksen, a Charles City man who lived with 5-year-old Evelyn Miller when she was murdered in July. (excerpt from 11/8/05) Click here for article at Des Moines Register. Comments on this are open.
The Iowa Department of Human Services takes several steps to determine if a child is in danger. Decisions are based on criteria outlined by the law. This is how the Department of Human Services handles an abuse report: (excerpt)
Dear Mr. Concannon,
WHO-TV Channel 13 aired a special two-part report on the DHS at 10 p.m. News from Des Moines.
(These are excerpts from the C.R. Gazette's e-edition article and was also in the print edition)
All Staff:
Kevin Concannon says the story on child abuse cases uses outdated numbers.
There was a Grand Jury held yesterday today in the Cedar Rapids Federal Courthouse.
There should be a custody hearing at the Floyd County Courthouse for the two minor children of Noel Miller, Evelyn's mother. Might make the news.
Today a meeting was held at the Iowa Department of Human Services in Des Moines at the invitation of Vern Armstrong, Chief of the Bureau of Protective Services of the DHS, two staffers and Andy, Lindsey and Richard Christie. The meeting began at 1 p.m. and lasted about two and a half hours.
Evelyn's Stories at the Waterloo Courier.
That there will be more DHS news soon.
"Here is a link to a story where a female college student was sentenced to federal prison for trading child porn for music on the internet. So there is no truth to the gossip that the feds have never prosecuted a female for possession of child pornography :-)"Thanks Trisha - Grandpa
In an interview with KCCI TV in Des Moines, yesterday, Linda and Richard spoke about the Governor's allegations about their family and DHS complaints which had been made.
My response to the Governor's criticism of our family.
Evelyn Miller on Free Republic
Click on either of the hyperlinks below for today’s coverage of Evey in the Waterloo Courier. Even though the information is already known by many of us there are some details that you may not already know. There are other links on the Courier site.
This quote from Evey's Legacy site touched us deeply this morning. Thank you Cassey for allowing us to share it.
"I know it has been a while, but Evelyn is on my mind a lot and I just wanted to offer my condolences to the family. I also want to use this to share a story about Evelyn. I used to work with her Kindergarten class, and she was the sweetest little girl I have ever met. Her smile could melt your heart. I remember one day, she and I were reading a story with a few other kids. The book was about this Caterpillar and his journey to become a butterfly. One of the kids asked me: "Why does he want to be a butterfly?" I said: "Because butterflies are beautiful." It was then that Evelyn chimed in and said: "Then why doesn't he want to be an angel? Angels are prettier and they fly higher!"
Thank you for making me smile, Evelyn. I know that you are a beautiful angel. Keep on flying!"
Cassey Shindelar (Charles City, IA )
A reader sent me this e-mail:
Please explain to all of us why you defend Casey and Noel. I understand being Christian but even Jesus would say that Casey and Noel's behavior is way off base.
Hi down there!
Marilyn Dettmer visits with the press on this KCRG-TV Video.
It’s just hazy down here. I don’t know if it will rain or not and kind of don’t care. Linda is working at Younkers in Merle Hay Mall and is scheduled today. I’ll be taking her, then getting a haircut and paying bills. Just too much excitement!
Links to new's stories related to previous posts.
The Charles City Press reported today that Casey Frederickson attempted suicide.
There is a story about Andy and Lindsey Christie, Evey's non-custodial family, today in the Waterloo Courier. Read what they have to say about Evey for the first time since her funeral.
There is be a story posted here featuring Casey and Noel speaking of their recent difficulties. We are out of the viewing area and viewed it over the Internet.
Family relationships from obituary in answer to a request.
Well after two months of investigation there have been no arrests, no warrants and no hard information about the suspects or targets in this investigation. What as a reader is your opinion? Who do you think committed this crime? Why? We have moved past sadness and sorrow - we want answers - we want to know.
My favorite blogs in following Evey are now in the right hand column. Click on them to read comment by others about Evey. If you have found other blogs of interest about Evelyn, please leave their URLs in comments.
Early Reports on the Federal Grand Jury of September 8th in Cedar Rapids
Andy, Evey's father, is seeking the DHS reports that are now, and have been, public record since Evelyn's death. There is only one report which is sealed.
The correct e-mail address for the Floyd County Attorney is mdettmer@floydcoia.org
Warrants have been issued and search made of Noel Miller's home. Noel is Evelyn's mother.
Due to the lack of information from and an apparent refusal to reply to repeated phone calls to the Office of the Floyd County Attorney, Marilyn Dettmer, we have sent her this letter this morning via the Floyd County Internet link.
Here is an article about where things stand as of today. Interestingly, the two local papers have not published anything about this yet!
Yes, it has been a long time waiting for any real information about our granddaughters murder and the person or people who committed it.
Recap of All News concerning Evelyn Miller. News links have been combined here with my comments where there were any. Original posts were left in their original position. I hope that this news recap can generate more interest and leads in Evey's yet unsolved case. Thanks for being here.